
Sun in a Jar

Gift of the Year 2007 Award

Made with a traditional Mason jar and high tech energy efficient lighting! Captured inside the jar are a highly efficient solar cell, rechargeable battery and low energy LED lamps. When the jar is placed in sunlight the solar cell creates an electrical current that charges the battery over a few hours. This energy is then used at night to power the three LED lamps inside the jar.

This brilliant idea designed by Tobias Wong


Ammaro said...

that has got to be the coolest thing ive seen in a while!!!!!!!

ButterflyBahrain said...

I want one of those :)

Islander said...

now thats smart..
where can i get one?

Anonymous2 said...

You never seize to amaze me with those fabulous designs, gadgets or chairs you write about. But can we really buy those? Online maybe?

And this jar looks ugly, something I’d use for “Achar” or pickles.. but sunlight?
Hmm.. you think we’ll be able to use this as a reading light at night?

Anonymous2 said...


iMaha said...

wow! first of all , thank you so much my dear friends for taking the time & commenting :)

@ ammaro : thank you so much for the support dear :)

@ Butterfly & Sunshine : I love it too :) & you can get it from Amazon.

@ moodz : looool achar 3ad ?! thank you for sharing your opinion dear, but in my eyes , I love the simplicity of the design and how friendly it is to the environment.. as you see on all the items in this blog , I choose carefully the things that are useful & beautiful and yes you can order every single one of them as I normally post a link at the end :) not this time though! But thank you for the amazon link :)